
Patient Estimates

Patient cost estimates are used to provide patients with their cost responsibility before services are rendered. Often, patient cost estimates also result in payment or payment plans set up prior to rendered services, allowing full price transparency to patients and less patient AR days in a provider’s revenue cycle.

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Price Transparency
Price transparency is important to patients, considering that 92% of patients say they want to know their payment responsibilities up front. With the rise of high deductible health plans—47% of patients under 65 years old had high deductible plans in 2018—the growing responsibility is on the patient. But practices only collect an average of 12% of outstanding balances at the time of service and collect nothing 35% of the time.
Better Care
Intelligence Engine
Smarter estimates for your patients means less work for your team
Rivet reviews the accuracy of each estimate and adjust over time, so your estimates just get better. That means fewer questions and less work collecting and refunding later.
Modern communication suite
SMS and email so your patient actually gets it
Collections go up when you put the estimate where the patient can see it. No more snail mail getting thrown out with the junk.
Better collection
Get ahead of the bill
Avoid bills entirely by sending estimates via text or email, getting your practice paid with a single touch.
Always ready
Have the answers your patient wants
You no longer have to explain that healthcare is complicated and you can't be sure of the cost.

Run your practice the smarter way

Upfront or you're doing it wrong

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Knowledge is power

And this power happens to get you paid faster.



See how many estimates your team creates by payer, service template, and team member

estimates accuracy>

Estimate Accuracy

Track the accuracy of your estimates over time and understand why they weren't accurate.

Universal Compatibility

Rivet can integrate with your system, no matter what you use.

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